Thursday 18 June 2015

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Audio Segment
Prepare a 2-3 minute audio segment which will include health information applicable to your topic. The focus should be on the behavioral health component within the family. Include strategies to facilitate positive behavioral health changes within the family for an individual. What are some ways to get the family on board? For example, for an individual with Crohn’s disease, what are some gluten-free strategies which can be implemented at home and how can family members support each others’ behaviors?
Steps to Creating your Audio segment
First, take a deep breath. Recording audio is not especially difficult. All you need to do is follow these simple steps.
  1. Craft your message and identify your audience. Here are a few sites you may find helpful in creating your script for your audio segment.

Email Blast
You will prepare an email blast for your employer to send out to the employees of the organization. The focus of this email blast is to provide information promoting mental health and improving individual and family health as it relates to your health topic. You should make it inviting to your audience by including applicable images and resources for the employees of the organization.
Improving Health Email Blast
You will prepare an email blast for your employer to send out to the employees of the organization. The focus of this email blast is to provide information promoting a health topic and improving individual and family health. You should make it inviting to your audience by including applicable images and resources for the employees of the organization.
You may choose from any of these templates below to create your email blast or you may create your own email. Your Assignment should follow APA guidelines, and should include a minimum of three references. It is recommended you send it to yourself to “test it out” before turning it in to the drop box.
  1. Email format #1
  2. Email format #2
  3. Email format #3
  4. Email format #4
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Research the country’s monetary system using at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library. Your analysis should be an eight to ten page paper formatted according to APA style guidelines.
Address the following aspects in your paper:
  • Analyze the evolution of the country’s monetary system, including the impact of any fiscal monetary and trade policies.
  • Describe the major components of the monetary system, including organizations and financial institutions.
  • Describe the currency exchange rates and any significant impacts on the exchange rates.
  • Analyze the issues around economic exposure, transaction exposure, and translation exposure.
  • Recommend to investors whether they should buy or sell futures or options in that currency.
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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ratio analysis is a common technique in financial analysis.  One of your colleagues states that a thorough ratio analysis is all that is needed in considering the financial health of a company. Although you agree that ratio analysis is a helpful guide, there may be some potential pitfalls in ratio analysis.
Discuss at least three potential issues in utilizing ratio analysis that you would share with your colleague. In addition, calculate a liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratio from Wal-Mart to demonstrate your observations.
Develop a 200 – 300 word explanation supporting your findings
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ratio analysis is a common technique in financial analysis.  One of your colleagues states that a thorough ratio analysis is all that is needed in considering the financial health of a company. Although you agree that ratio analysis is a helpful guide, there may be some potential pitfalls in ratio analysis.
Discuss at least three potential issues in utilizing ratio analysis that you would share with your colleague. In addition, calculate a liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratio from Wal-Mart to demonstrate your observations.
Develop a 200 – 300 word explanation supporting your findings
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The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to assist you in developing research analysis skills including critical thinking, writing, and literature research skills. The annotated bibliography should include a paragraph for each source containing the following information:
  • Name of the article, including the complete bibliographic citation, using APA format.
  • Summary/abstract of the article – annotation (sometimes it is helpful to ask yourself the following questions in synthesizing the information:
    • Who? (author)
    • What was done? (e.g., an experimental study investigating the interaction of short term memory and attention)
    • How? (was it done)
  • What were the findings? (identify the major ones)
  • Contributions? (new findings, applications, etc.)
Review the complete instructions for the Final Paper in Week Five. To conduct accurate research for the annotated bibliography, consider the following:
  • Research in peer-reviewed journals or other journals that are considered to have reliable information (do not use sources from the secular press (e.g., TimeNewsweek, or Wikipedia). Review the guidelines for acceptable sources by reading the “Academic Research” section within the Student Responsibilities and Policies tab under Course Home on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.
  • Identify at least ten academic sources at least six of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library. If you do find something on the World Wide Web, it must be authored and be a reliable source.
  • In these journals, the research and information is either reviewed by an editorial team (such as for the Academy of Management Review) or a group of peers (such as in many journals you find through the Ashford Online Library).
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Discussion Question: Using evidence from at least one scholarly source for support answer the following questions. If you were considering a capital investment, how would you utilize the information reported on your balance sheet, statement of revenue and expense, and statement of cash flows? What determinations or decisions can be made with the information reported?  Please discuss your response, and include an APA citation from a minimum of one scholarly reference to support your 250-300 word post.
Example Answer: It can be understood that the different types of financial documents and the information each contain helps everyone better understand their financial position and make more informed decisions about their actions. “Preparation of financial statements that accurately depict the financial status of an organization at a point in time and how its status has changed over the most recent accounting period is the end result of the financial accounting process” (Smith, 2014). Given this information, it is clear that the balance sheet, statement of revenue and expense, and the statement of cash flows are all of high importance. Looking at the balance sheet, it can be understood that this shows us our financial position at that current moment, because it acts a detailed statement of my current assets, liabilities, and equity. Assets are the things that you own or generate a substantial income or flow of cash for you. Liabilities are items or expenses that you have that make cash flow away. As an example for equity, if I buy a house for $20,000 and it is now worth $120,000, then I have a positive equity of $100,000. Equity can be better understood as what you have remaining after what you owe has been deducted. Balance sheets allow you to identify trends in your financial performance. “Comparing current measures of financial performance against last year’s measures, as well as the forecast of  measures presented in a budget, is a good use of internal standards for evaluating financial performance” (Smith, 2014). Looking at the concept behind a balance sheet, statement of revenue and expense, and statement of cash flow, it is clear that each assist me in identifying potential financial problems. “A key determinant of successful investment is management’s ability to forecast payoffs, because forecasting plays a central role in investment valuation methods, like net present value (NPV)” (Goodman, Neamtiu, Shroff, & White, 2014). The statement of cash flow acts a projector to allow me to see income will come in on a regular basis. For instance, if I had a trust fund and it continued to gain interest and the interest was guaranteed to be at that rate, then I could consider this cash flow or perpetuity (Smith, 2014). Taking this information into consideration, each document will assist me in identifying what I can afford to initiate investment and they also will allow me to see the earning potential and quality over a period of time. The sensitivity and seriousness of investing should always be thoroughly researched. The profitability may sound good, but numbers over time help each of us reach a level comfort.
Smith, D. G. (2014). Introduction to healthcare financial management. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Goodman, T. H., Neamtiu, M., Shroff, N., & White, H. D. (2014). Management Forecast Quality and Capital Investment Decisions. Accounting Review89(1), 331-365. doi:10.2308/accr-50575
LI, F. (2011). Earnings Quality Based on Corporate Investment Decisions. Journal Of Accounting Research49(3), 721-752. doi:10.1111/j.1475-679X.2010.00397.x
Capital Investment Plan Proposal Topic
Assignment 1:
A capital investment plan is a document that is typically prepared  to obtain funding and/or financing. For your Final Project, which is due in Week Five, you will assume the role of a department manager who is seeking funding/financing for a capital investment, and you will create a capital investment plan to present to your chief financial officer and board.  In the scenario you choose, you may be looking to expand in an existing department, or you may focus on a brand new capital investment for a new service line.
For this assignment, address the following points as they pertain to your selected capital investment:
  • Executive Summary: State the purpose of the report and describe the major points of the report.
  • Service and/or Equipment Description: This section should be at least one page.
  • Establishing the Team: This section should be at least one page. Include  a chart that illustrates the structure of the capital investment team.  In addition, provide a summary of your team (background, responsibilities, etc.) as it pertains to your selected business.
Addressing these points will help you as you begin to develop your capital investment plan. Your paper should be two to three double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Assignment 2:
Measures for Success
Financial managers may work alongside general services managers to address certain measures of liquidity. How might a financial manager and the department administrator for your chosen capital investment plan work together to make an effort on reducing days in accounts receivable? If you are successful with your financial performance and are paid a bonus based on profitability , which measure should be used? (Comprehensively explain how a financial manager and the department manager might work together to reduce accounts receivable days. Comprehensively explain which measure should be used to measure successful financial performance.)
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Describe an important problem faced by society today. Provide your own analysis of the problem in terms of each of the elements of thought as defined by Paul and Elder. In addition, explain the three intellectual standards and three intellectual virtues that you believe are the most important for resolving the issue. In one paragraph at the end of your paper, reflect on your analysis of the problem that you selected in order to address the following questions: 1. Which of the five methods did you use to generate questions that lead to disciplined thinking? 2. Explain how you applied deep learning in your consideration of this problem. 3. How does your analysis differ from that of a minimalist student? Your response should be at least three pages in length, double spaced, and in Times New Roman 12pt. font.
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Read the article,complete three two-page response papers.  And follow the question write the paper.

Peter Singer, One World: The Ethics of Globalization (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002), Chapter 2:  “One Atmosphere,” pp. 14-50.
Response question: According to Singer, whose responsibility is it to address the problem of climate change? Does he make a convincing argument?
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This week introduced the concepts of leadership and leadership theories. In addition, the media presentation and textbook readings discussed the difference between leadership and management. As you begin your practicum this week discuss with your manager possible change projects that focus on a quality and safety issue that are needed in the agency at United Healthcare Group as Nurse case manager.  Observe your manager and other leaders at your location ( Atlanta Georgia Office).  Identify how management and leadership activities contribute to successful change initiatives. Informally discuss options with your manager.
Please address the following: in( 250-350 words)

What did you see as the difference between leadership activities and management activities?

How do management and leadership activities contribute to the success of change initiatives?

What change projects are needed in your agency at this time?

Which of these projects will you select for your practicum change project?



  1. :Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010).Leadership competencies in nursing and healthcare: Introduction. Baltimore: Author.

(2):Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010).Leadership competencies in nursing and healthcare: Leadership in nursing and healthcare. Baltimore: Author

(3):Course Text: Sullivan, E. J. (2013). Effective leadership and management in nursing. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Chapter 4, “Leading, Managing, Following”

(4): Course Text: American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope & standards of practice. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

      • “Introduction”
      • “Scope of Nursing Practice”
      • Standard 12: “Leadership”
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The Vietnam War was a counterinsurgency that involved us in guerilla warfare that was similar, in some ways, to what we face in Afghanistan today. But the way the Vietnam War was conducted was considered to be immoral and unjust by many.
Describe the prevailing arguments of what constitutes a “just war,” and assess the justice of the Vietnam War in that context. Speculate on how the world would be different today if the U.S. had not become involved in Vietnam.
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Write a detailed outline (minimum of two pages worth 20 points) and one doubled-spaced essay with two parts (minimum of three pages worth 70 points) thoroughly analyzing and discussing the following question. Include a works cited page, in MLA format, of at least four entries at the end of your essay. (10 points).

Part I:Begin by defining your relation to power and privilege according only to your sexual orientation, gender and race. Next, analyze the impact of how your personal standpoint or positionality has affected you positively or negatively in relation to each of the three systems of privilege given above.  Then based on where you were at the beginning of this quarter, place yourself within the framework of a racial or ethnic identity development model.  After clarifying your level of placement on a specific identity model discuss with specific examples any change that might have occurred from your initial stage over the course of this quarter. If you believe no change has occurred discuss in detail your entry stage and your reasons for concluding that there has been no change over the course of the quarter.

Part II: Focusing on your own lenses of perception, use social construction theory to explain your current and past perceptions of persons who are considered “the other” because of their gender or sexual orientation. Integrate into your explanation the concepts of “normative assumptions” and specific “micro-aggressions” in which you have participated .

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Utilization of various things it’s good to look into. First of all, what type or possibly technique earphones are you keen? ipod headphones are normally advertised like head pals considering that getting a higher, filled proportions two of earphones in part defeats the goal of all the ipod simply being all the proportions it’s always and additionally experiencing the portability as well as. Ever sinceMonster headphones head pals compliment exclusively into your head, consolation is a really part of a huge concern if you suffer from expensive considerable or possibly small to medium sized head canals for that reason keep on proportions in view the moment selecting. Head pals are often the a large number of movable, all the lightest to make sure you utilize and that can provide really superior quality reasonable having individuals a wonderful compliment for a ipod, or possibly whatever movable musician as an example. An alternative usual technique ipod headphone certainly is the supra aural your. However these are quickly people ornamented just by topper which usually only just sit on any favourite songs consequently they are solved by means of group of musicians which usually goes over the main or possibly in back of any knee. Fantastic instrumentals nova scotia are quite snug to make sure you utilize, nevertheless they ordinarily are not roughly like movable like established head pals consequently they are not likely used often by some folk simply because they ruin scalp or possibly may well hinder a terrific way to or possibly ear-rings and that can crash shut off the moment simply being established (jogging baby, going through patio succeed accessories. )#). The middle version of earphones certainly is the a great deal more full-sized circumaural headphone. This kind of earphones well goes over all the head is employed throughout the face. Individuals be able to provide the best quality reasonable superior quality, to some extent because of their proportions and additionally power to block out out of tone, and additionally to some extent as higher and additionally beats pro more suitable sound equipment is built inside them. Since they are huge about headphone fashions, these are all the heaviest and therefore the the very least , movable. For that matter they’re not thought of as movable ın any way consequently they are the right ones just for place or possibly business benefit from. For that reason they’re really uncommonly combined with any ipod or possibly whatever potable music player considering that they’re giant, big and that can come to be difficult to make sure you utilize just for fully extended amounts of time.
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You have just attended a manager’s meeting about establishing self-directed, high-performing teams. The company is concerned because some of the managers
are having success building self-directed, high-performing teams while others are not. A discussion occurred that identified the characteristics of the successful
team building elements and compared them to those managers that have not been successful. This is a situation where those who are struggling need to learn
from those who are doing well. The discussions included identifying what could be going wrong and what steps might be taken for success.
You have been asked to write a research report that summarizes the meeting and offers some recommendations that might be helpful to those managers who
are struggling. Specifically, your report must include:
Identification of the difficulties the managers may be having in establishing self-directed, high-performing teams
Identification of the successful characteristic of establishing self-directed, high-performing teams
Recommendations for success
A designed plan that might help guide the struggling managers and improve negotiation and conflict resolution skills
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Resource: Business Plan Pro
Evaluate the business plan submitted by an entrepreneur for investment and decide if you will invest in the business.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following:
  • Evaluate the plan’s overall writing.
  • Conduct a feasibility analysis of the idea presented in the plan.
  • Identify competencies the entrepreneur must have to be successful in building the business.
  • Make a recommendation if you plan to invest in the business.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
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