Thursday 18 June 2015

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Students are to organise themselves into pairs to complete the assignment and do not have automatic entitlement to adopt some other arrangement (such as completing the assignment individually or in a group of three).  Students who have difficulty finding a partner or who encounter other difficulties (for example, their partner withdraws from the course) should consult the course coordinator.  There is no requirement that your partner be from the same tutorial group as yourself.

The basic requirement is to make a general analysis of the profitability, efficiency, liquidity, gearing (leverage), and investment performance of Billabong Limited using the information available in the company’s 2014 annual report available available at Billaboing Annual Report 2014 and also available via Moodle.

Students are to use the ‘Consolidated’ data in conducting their analysis.  Note that the 2014 annual report contains comparative data for the year 2013.  The assignment will contain two main elements:

Schedule(s) of relevant ratios and other useful calculations
The schedule(s) of relevant ratios and other useful calculations should be incorporated in one or more appendices.  Ratios and other calculations should be presented so as to facilitate comparison between 2014 and 2013 data.  Students are advised to show the calculations used in determining particular ratios and other figures.

A written report
The written report should:
  • Explain briefly what is revealed by the ratios and other calculations in the context of the company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, gearing (leverage) and investment performance.  In particular, any important changes from 2013 to 2014 should be identified, discussed and, where possible, explained.
  • Provide an overall assessment of the company from the perspective of existing and potential equity investors (shareholders).

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Discussion 1

Identify and describe the areas of a SWOT analysis and discuss why it is important to consider these areas when developing a strategic plan. Why is it often difficult to develop a realistic analysis?

Discussion 2

Imagine a nonprofit organization trying to raise funds for cancer research. What types of strategic alternatives might such an organization develop?
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Assign 1:Choose a current policy issue. Discuss this issue in terms of the stages of the policy-making process.
What can an average American citizen do to influence the federal policymaking process? Please cite examples.Final Exam Questions

Assign 2: Impact of Islam With the great impact from Islam would “Arabchina” be a more appropriate name for the realm? What is the extent of Arab influence in Indochina?
Discussion post 300 words

Assign 3: Select an interest group from the following list and discuss its lobbying tactics in Congress: 1) AARP; 2) AFL-CIO; 3) AMA; 4) ABA; 5) National Association of Realtors
Discussion post 300 words

Assign 4:
Search for a recent article related to a human sexuality topic discussed in this course.
Pretend you are an entertainment news reporter for the “Sexuality Journal.” Write an entertainment news column in which you analyze the sociocultural influences on the sexual values or decision-making present in your article.
Also, state the ethical principle (nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy/liberty, justice/fairness, social utility) that is related to your article and explain its relation.

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A recent event has caused uproar in demands for law enforcement to be attentive to activities that could lead to terrorism or gang activity. Race has been a source of controversy because of the stereotypes and labels put on individuals from certain races and religious backgrounds.
Opinions about issues in society are often the catalyst for the foundations of social change. The combined opinions of all individuals determine society’s position on an issue. Because criminal justice professionals have a first-hand view of the individuals who will be affected by the change, it is particularly crucial that they develop and advocate a position on an issue.
Using the library, Internet, or any other available material for adequate, accurate, and relevant support, address your position on the controversial issue. Propose 2 strategies for dealing with law enforcement subculture and racial profiling. One strategy is to be from an ethical perspective and the other should be in terms of keeping societal opinion from making significant changes in the functioning of systems and society as a whole.
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By now, you have had the opportunity to review research topics regarding falls in construction, select one, and briefly reflect on the topic. In order to stay on track and continue making progress on the Unit VIII Research Paper, prepare an outline with the major headings or topic sentences. An outline is a great way to provide organization for papers and projects. For this assignment, it is not intended for you to write an accident analysis or investigation. You may use an accident(s) to support your research, but it cannot be the focus of your paper. Your outline should include the following:
 cover page,
 the topic,
 one paragraph that describes the importance of the topic, and
 at least four major headings in outline form. (You do not have to include more than the heading.)
APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.
You do NOT have to commit to the details of your outline until the Research Paper is finished. As you continue to research the topic and draft the paper, the organization of your thoughts (i.e., the details of the outline) may evolve. That is expected and acceptable. To organize those thoughts, it is a good idea to begin with an outline.
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Read the case, “Video Game Console Industry in 2012” on page 602-612 and address the following questions:
Consider an opportunity for a new video game company entering into the market, Provide the following analysis for the new company looking to compete:
  1. Does the Video Game Console Industry have any opportunity for new entrants?
  2. Identify Video Game Console Industry performance surrounding these key issues:
    • Expansion Opportunities
    • Operating efficiency
    • Growth strategy
    • Customer retention
    • Cultural Considerations
    • Overall Sales
    • Competition
  3. Conduct additional research as necessary to provide the most up to date perspective on this case. Search for the following information:
    • Annual Report
    • SEC Form 10-K
    • Annual Shareholders Proxy Statement
    • Competitive/Industry Information
  4. Identify 3 to 4 key strategies that the new video game company should focus on? Provide examples to support each strategy.
  5. Would you invest in a new video game startup company entering under the identified market conditions?  Please explain why or why not.
  6. Use the written case analysis format to present findings from the case analysis. The case analysis should :
    • Include the following 5 sections:  I. Executive Summary, II. Statement of the Problem, III.  Causes of the Problem, IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions, V.  Recommended Solution, Implementation and Justification
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module 10.2, Using visual aids:
-Create a timeline to teach: “He was studying while I was playing baseball”.
-Describe the Visual Aid based on stick figure drawing(s) you would create to explain: “He used to exercise regularly but he doesn´t anymore.”
-Describe the types of realia you could bring into class to help your students learn to ask for and give directions in English.

-What kind of chart or diagram could you create on the board to teach the vocabulary words ´majority´ and ´minority´?

module 10.3, Effective use of activities and games:
-Describe a mingle activity you might create for a new class of intermediate level students to help them introduce themselves to each other.
-Devise an information gap activity where over the phone one student describes a used car he wants to sell. Another student, having seen an ad in the paper about the car, calls asking for more information about the car. Each wants to strike the best deal.
-Explain why a board game like “Monopoly” or “Clue” might not be appropriate for a group of language learners. How could you adapt them to be appropriate?

-Explain why traditional party games like Charades or 20 Questions would be good games to use in the EFLESL classroom. What would be the specific language point students would be working on with these games? Give examples.

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