Thursday 18 June 2015

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Media play a very large role in both the development and the perpetuation of cultural elements. You may never have watched a foreign movie or even clips evaluating other cultures. In this assignment, you will explore online videos or movies from a culture of your choice and analyze how cultural elements are presented, compared to your own culture.
Complete the following:
Choose a world culture you are not familiar with.
Identify two–three online videos or movies representative of this culture. These could be examples of cultural expressions such as a Bollywood movie from India or Anime videos from Japan.
Evaluate two hours of such a video. Using the readings for this module, and the Internet, research articles about your selected culture.
Select a scholarly article that analyzes the same culture presented in the videos you have observed.
Write a paper describing the cultural differences you have observed in the video. How are these observations supported by the research article?
Be sure to include the following:
Describe the videos you have watched.
Explain the main points of the videos.
Examine what stood out about the culture.
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of this culture with your own.
Examine the ways of this culture. Is it one you would want to visit or live in?
Would you experience culture shock if you immersed yourself in this culture? Why or why not?
Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources
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Choose only one:

1. Cultural anthropologists such as Malinowski and animal behaviorists like Frans de Waal depend on empirical observation of subjects to fashion their conclusions. More and more ethicists today are also taking this “empirical” route, partly because they have become persuaded by colleagues in other disciplines that our knowledge of ethics can be increased by fieldwork and partly because of their embarrassment at the errors of “armchair philosophers” of the past who didn’t know their way around the real world. Your assignment is to observe and report on the “mating rituals” of your species in a public place where couples are likely to gather—a mall, the movies, a coffee shop, or similar place. Spend at least an hour observing as many couples as you can, and if possible, “vary your sample” in terms of age, race or other factors. How many conclusions about the behavioral patterns of males and females can you generalize from your observations? Does your “study” seem to confirm or refute any of the themes we studied in this module? Write up your “study” and its conclusions in a 750-word essay.
2. In this module, we have touched on only a few of the significant figures who have contributed to primate and evolutionary ethics. Using sources outside the course text and lectures (you may use reputable internet sources), write a 750- word essay on the ethical significance of one of the following authors and the specified text. You do not have to read the text itself (although you may choose to get it and read the introduction or first chapter) since you may be able to refer to reviews or reference sources such as The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Here are the choices:
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Ethics
Thomas H. Huxley, Evolution and Ethics
Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene
Robert Wright, The Moral Animal
Peter Singer, A Darwinian Left
Frans de Waal, Good Natured
Matt Ridley, The Origins of Virtue
Focus less on biographical information about the author or his general project and more on the arguments that he offers for why we should investigate ethics in the context of anthropology, primate behavior, evolutionary theory or genetics.
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Week 6 – Grand Targhee Case
For this week’s assignment, you will be a case study from your textbook and responding in essay form, to several questions; applying the concepts and theories discussed in the readings.  There is no set word count or page requirement; however 3 – 5 pages of content should be adequate to answer each question using relevant resources to support your conclusions.
The essay should be in APA format, 6th edition, with a title page, in-text citations and a reference page.  An abstract is not required and should not be included.
Rewrite each question as a section header and answer each question completely, using relevant resources to support our conclusions.
Please read Case 14 – Grand Targhee –  in the back of your Textbook, then formulate responses to the following questions.
  1.  How did the management of Grand Targhee create a service culture?  How did they ensure that service culture was embraced throughout the organization?
  2. What internal marketing concepts did Grand Targhee practice to support their overall marketing strategy?
  3. Explain why it is important to have a company where everyone is focused on serving the customer.
  4. Would you have done anything differently if you were on the management team at Grand Targhee?  If so, what; and why?  If not, why not?
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As discussed in Chapter 3, the concept of culturally relevant, anti-bias instruction includes planning lessons that are relevant to the children and families in your program.  Using the required Lesson plan template, create two different multicultural lessons based on the developmental level of your choice

  1. Preschool (can be literature-based or activity-based
It is required that you use the Lesson plan template to complete this portion of your assignment.  It is suggested that you utilize the Early Childhood and Child Development: Lesson Plan Handbook  as a guide for how to more effectively  plan this lesson. This assignment should be submitted as a two- to three-page document that includes two completed lesson plans, a title page, and reference page. Format your assignment according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  Please make sure to include at least one scholarly source to support your ideas. Include a link to your ePortfolio on a Word document for submission.
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  • Culturally Relevant Methods
  • Anti-Bias Curriculum
  • Diverse Family Structures
  • Multicultural Education
Select one theme from above to explore and begin reviewing the literature.  Choose one article from the resources provided in the course or find a scholarly source that is relevant to your chosen theme.
You will add a second source in Week Three and a third source in Week Four, each of which will be related to the same theme.  The annotated bibliography will be submitted each week as a component of your literature review.
Your annotated bibliography must:
  • Summarize the content and focus of the article.  Be sure to include the main ideas and provide supporting evidence from the article.  The summary must be in your own words.
  • Describe the relevance of the source to your chosen theme and its real-world classroom application.
  • Evaluate the information presented in the article.  What is your reaction to this source?  Has it changed your thinking about your topic? Why, or why not?
Your bibliography must include the correct APA reference for your chosen scholarly source and a title page. Visit the Ashford Writing Center for specific direction and review the resources provided on how to complete an annotated bibliography.  Also view the Sample Annotated Bibliography for guidance.
The Library Guide Link may assist you in your research of the Cultural Competence Topics for your annotated bibliography and final literature review.
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  1.  Residual Dividend Model – Axel telecommunications has a target capital structure that consists of 70% debt and 30% equity.  The company anticipates that its capital budget for the upcoming year will be $3,000,000.  If axel reports net income of $2,000,000 and it follows a residual dividend payout policy, what will be its dividend payout ratio?

  1.      2    Stock Split – Gamma Medical’s stock trades at $90 a share.  The company is contemplating a 3 for 2 split.  Assuming that the stock split will have no effect on the market value of its equity, what will be the company’s stock price following the stock split?

  1.      3.  Stock Repurchases – Beta Industries has net income of $2,000,000, and it has 1,000,000 shares of common stock outstanding.  The company’s stock currently trades at $32 a share.  Beta is considering a plan in which it will use available cash to repurchase 20% of its shares in the open market.  The repurchase is expected to have no effect on new income or the company’s P/E ratio.  What will be Beta’s stock price following the stock repurchase?

  1.      4.  Stock Split – After a 5-for-1 stock split, Strasburg Company paid a dividend of $0.;75 per new share, which represents a 9% increase over last year’s pre-split dividend.  What was last year’s dividend per share?
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Your next assignment as a financial management intern is to apply the knowledge that you acquired while engaging in the cost of capital discussion that you had with your colleagues. In this task, you will be calculating the weighted cost of capital for a firm using the book value of the components and the concepts presented in this phase.

Using the most current annual financial statements from the company you analyzed in Phase 1, determine the percentage of the firm’s assets that are currently be financed with debt (total liabilities), preferred stock, and common stock (common equity). It is very possible that your firm will have very little or no preferred stock, so in this class, the percent would be “zero.” Your ratios should add up to 100%. You will also need to calculate the firm’s average tax rate using the income tax expense divided by the firm’s income before taxes. Use the following tables:

Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Total Preferred Stock
Total Common Equity
Dollar Value
% of Assets

Income before Tax
Income Tax Expense
Average Tax Rate (%)

The first component to determine is the cost of debt. You mentor suggests using the Web site that you used in the previous Phase to find the pretax yield-to-maturity of a bond with at least 5 years left before maturity. Using the following table, calculate the firm’s after-tax cost of debt:

Yield to Maturity
1 – Average Tax Rate
After-tax Cost of Debt

Now you will need to calculate the cost of preferred stock. You can use the following table:

Annual Dividend
Current Value of Preferred Stock
Cost of Preferred Stock (%)

To calculate the cost of common equity, you can use the CAPM model. Using current stock data, the yield on the 5-year treasury bond, and the return on the market calculated in Phase 2, you can calculate the cost of common equity using the following table:

5-year Treasury Bond Yield
(risk-free rate)
Stock’s Beta
Return on the Top 500 Stocks (market return)
Cost of Common Equity

Now, you can use the cost and ratios from above to calculate the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) using the following table:

After-Tax Cost of Debt
Cost of Preferred Stock
Cost of Common Equity
Unweighted Cost
Weight of Component
Weighted Cost of Component

  • After completing the required calculations, explain your results in a Word document, and attach the spreadsheet showing your work. Be sure to explain the following:
    • How would you expect the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to differ if you had used market values of equity rather than the book value of equity, and why?
    • What would you expect would happen to the cost of equity if you had to raise it by selling new equity, and why?
    • If the after-tax cost of debt is always less expensive than equity, why don’t firms use more debt and less equity?
    • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of raising capital by using debt?
    • How would “floatation costs” impacted the WACC, and how could they have been incorporated in the formula?
      Note: You can find information about the top 500 stocks atthis Web site{}
      Be sure to document your paper with in-text citations, credible sources, and list of references used in proper APA format. Word document of 700–1,000 words with attached Excel Spreadsheet showing calculations
      ·  Determine the relationship between risk and return by calculating stock and portfolio variance.
      ·  Determine the firm’s cost of capital.
      ·  Use effective communication, team and problem-solving skills to collaborate on a project.
      Using the most current annual financial statements from the company you analyzed in Phase 1, determine the percentage of the firm’s assets that are currently be financed with debt (total liabilities), preferred stock, and common stock (common equity). It is very possible that your firm will have very little or no preferred stock, so in this class, the percent would be “zero.” Your ratios should add up to 100%. You will also need to calculate the firm’s average tax rate using the income tax expense divided by the firm’s income before taxes.

  • The first component to determine is the cost of debt. You mentor suggests using the Web site that you used in the previous Phase to find the pretax yield-to-maturity of a bond with at least 5 years left before maturity. Using the following table, calculate the firm’s after-tax cost of debt:
  • 2. Now you will need to calculate the cost of preferred stock. You can use the following table:
  • 3. To calculate the cost of common equity, you can use the CAPM model. Using current stock data, the yield on the 5-year treasury bond, and the return on the market calculated in Phase 2, you can calculate the cost of common equity using the following table:
  • 4. Now, you can use the cost and ratios from above to calculate the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) using the a table
  • After completing the required calculations, explain your results in a Word document, and attach the spreadsheet showing your work. Be sure to explain the following:
    • 1. How would you expect the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to differ if you had used market values of equity rather than the book value of equity, and why?
    • 2. What would you expect would happen to the cost of equity if you had to raise it by selling new equity, and why?
    • 3. If the after-tax cost of debt is always less expensive than equity, why don’t firms use more debt and less equity?
    • 4. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of raising capital by using debt?
  • How would “floatation costs” impacted the WACC, and how could they have been incorporated in the formula?
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List at least six protocols used on the Internet and briefly describe what each of them are used for. Use your textbook and find one article from the CSU Online Library to answer this discussion question.
Optional: List at least three advantages and disadvantages of LANs. Use your textbook and one article from the CSU Online Library to answer this question.

Minimum 200 word response with refernces and APA citation
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Create a checklist of steps you should take to secure your computer from Internet based intrusions, and discuss the steps in some detail.

Question 2

Describe the difference between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies, and give two examples of where you would expect to find each in use.

Question 3

Create a list of at least three security concerns that are related to Internet access, and briefly discuss the concerns.

Your response to each question should be at least 200 words in length. APA Formatting required.  You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
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CJUS254-1502B-01 Introduction to Homeland Security
Task Name:Phase 4 Discussion Board
Deliverable Length:See assignment details
Details:Primary Discussion Response is due by Wednesday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Sunday (11:59:59pm Central).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Your new boss has a law enforcement background and is not fully aware of the missions that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducts. She has asked for a mission statement and a short explanation of these missions. In addition, she wants you to provide an analysis of how FEMA’s missions support the DHS’s missions as well as an analysis of how FEMA should prioritize the missions. An explanation and or rationalization of these recommendations should also be provided. Include at least 2 sources
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