Thursday 18 June 2015

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  1. A company family day

  1. A company dinner & dance

  1. A company retreat to another country

  1. A 1 day exhibition for a company

  1. A 1 day seminar or meeting for foreign guests to a company

  1. A fund raising event for a charity organisation

  1. To send 10 internal employees of a company for a 1 day training/seminar

  1. To launch a company product with a keynote address

  1. To revamp a company’s internal system and re-install and commission a new system

10.To manage moving the company to another location or renovate a unit in a company

Develop the project plan of your chosen project

based on the following:

1Introduction of the Project (Description of the chosen project)

2Project Scope statement (6 items checklist)

3Establish Project Priorities (Justify the matrix)

4Create the Work Breakdown Structure (explain the work packages)

5Cost Estimation (including a time phased budget)15%

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Needs 15 sources, 10 of them needs to be in actual books. 5 of them can be from the internet.
I need all the sources cited. The essay is required in 2500 words (plus or minus 10, including cite) in MLA format.
I have the idea how to write it, but I just cannot figure out the details.
This work is my final paper and my teacher is a genious, so I needed to be extremely high quality.
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Questions on Ritz-Carlton Case
  1.       1. Describe the relationship for Ritz-Carlton between service and the customer experience on the one hand, and business strategy on the other.
  2.  2. 2.  According to the case, from recruitment, onboarding, training, and professional development, Ritz-Carlton has an intentional approach to managing its employees. Choose three aspect (or examples) of the company’s management of employees, describe them, and relate them to the ultimate goal of providing a superior customer experience.
  3.      3. Describe 3 examples from the case of how Ritz-Carlton uses its understanding of “what customers reallywant” to define aspects of the entire hotel experience. How do the Service Quality Indicators (SQIs) in Exhibit 5 demonstrate the company’s approach to managing according to customer expectations and the ultimate drivers of business performance?

  1.      4. The case describes the launch of a new hotel. What seem to be the key challenges in launching, and how does Ritz-Carlton seek to control these variables in order to ensure the proper customer experience from the beginning?
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1. In what ways are national income statistics useful?
2. Explain why an economy’s output, in essence, is also its income.

3. Why are changes in inventories included as part of invest- ment spending? Suppose inventories declined by $1 billion during 2008. How would this affect the size of gross private domestic investment and gross domestic product in 2008?

chp 26
4. Why are changes in inventories included as part of invest- ment spending? Suppose inventories declined by $1 billion during 2008. How would this affect the size of gross private domestic investment and gross domestic product in 2008? Explain.

5. . What factors make it difficult to determine the unemploy- ment rate? Why is it difficult to distinguish between frictional, structural, and cyclical unemployment? Why is unemploy- ment an economic problem? What are the consequences of a negative GDP gap? What are the noneconomic effects of unemployment?
6. explain public debt.
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If you were to imagine a workplace where everyone was creative and innovation thrived, what would it look like? How would a day in the office be different from a day in any other type of office? What kind of colleagues would you work with? You might imagine colorful or eclectic decorations, or maybe the freedom to schedule your days and tasks as you wish. While these descriptions are often found in creative workplaces, organizations that truly support innovation have an even deeper focus on supporting creativity.
In the article “How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity,” Ed Catmull, the company’s president and cofounder, describes the organizational elements that support the company’s creative environment. For this Discussion, you will examine how and why you might implement these elements to your workplace.
For this post, first read the article by Ed Catmull (2008) Consider three organizational principles at Pixar that support a workplace environment where employees can implement creative solutions to problems. Then, choose one of these principles or another principle that you are familiar with that could be implemented at your organization or an organization you have worked for in the past.
Post by Day 3, post the following:
  • A description of three organizational principles at Pixar that support a workplace environment where employees can implement creative solutions to problems.
  • Choose one of these principles or another principle that you are familiar with that could be implemented at your organization or an organization which with you are familiar to improve creativity and the implementation of creative solutions. Explain why it would be beneficial to implement this principle at the organization you selected.
  • Explain how you as a manager might implement this principle and how you would need to tailor it for the organization you selected. Support your conclusions with references from this week’s Resources.
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If you were to imagine a workplace where everyone was creative and innovation thrived, what would it look like? How would a day in the office be different from a day in any other type of office? What kind of colleagues would you work with? You might imagine colorful or eclectic decorations, or maybe the freedom to schedule your days and tasks as you wish. While these descriptions are often found in creative workplaces, organizations that truly support innovation have an even deeper focus on supporting creativity.
In the article “How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity,” Ed Catmull, the company’s president and cofounder, describes the organizational elements that support the company’s creative environment. For this Discussion, you will examine how and why you might implement these elements to your workplace.
For this post, first read the article by Ed Catmull (2008) Consider three organizational principles at Pixar that support a workplace environment where employees can implement creative solutions to problems. Then, choose one of these principles or another principle that you are familiar with that could be implemented at your organization or an organization you have worked for in the past.
Post by Day 3, post the following:
  • A description of three organizational principles at Pixar that support a workplace environment where employees can implement creative solutions to problems.
  • Choose one of these principles or another principle that you are familiar with that could be implemented at your organization or an organization which with you are familiar to improve creativity and the implementation of creative solutions. Explain why it would be beneficial to implement this principle at the organization you selected.
  • Explain how you as a manager might implement this principle and how you would need to tailor it for the organization you selected. Support your conclusions with references from this week’s Resources.
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